Drone Aid Operations

The primary objective of Drone Aid Operations is to provide vital support to humanitarian groups and governmental agencies during periods of conflict and crisis. Our core mission is to act as a force multiplier by leveraging drone technology to enhance their capabilities. We recognize that many humanitarian organizations may lack access to drones or face limitations in terms of the type and quantity of drones they possess. By flying missions on their behalf, as well as building and maintaining UAVs on site, Drone Aid enables these organizations to focus on other crucial tasks and responsibilities.

Benefits of Drone Aid:

  1. Amplifying Humanitarian Efforts: By collaborating with humanitarian groups and government agencies, Drone Aid aims to amplify their impact by providing drone-based support. Our drones serve as a valuable resource, complementing and augmenting their existing operations.

  2. Swift Aid Delivery: Drones offer unparalleled speed in delivering aid to affected areas. They can swiftly transport critical supplies, medical resources, and relief materials.

  3. Reach Remote and Inaccessible Areas: Drones excel at reaching remote or inaccessible regions that are difficult for traditional means of transportation to reach. We can fly missions to deliver aid to communities in isolated and dangerous areas, ensuring that no one is left without during times of crisis.

  4. Enhanced Situational Awareness: Drones equipped with advanced imaging systems and sensors provide real-time situational awareness to aid groups and agencies. This information enables them to make informed decisions, prioritize their efforts, and allocate resources more effectively.

  5. Risk Mitigation: By taking on dangerous or high-risk missions, Drone Aid helps mitigate risks faced by humanitarian personnel. Our drones can navigate hazardous environments, perform damage assessments, and conduct reconnaissance, reducing the need for human intervention in dangerous situations.

Through these capabilities, Drone Aid seeks to revolutionize humanitarian response efforts, enabling organizations to provide timely and effective aid to those in need. By acting as a reliable partner, we strive to support and strengthen the impact of humanitarian groups and governmental agencies during times of conflict and crisis.

Our First Mission - Ukraine

We are thrilled to announce that Drone Aid Operations is preparing for our first mission in Ukraine, and it's just around the corner. As we gear up for this significant undertaking, we have identified immediate needs, including essential equipment, specialized personnel training, and materials for constructing and repairing UAVs on the ground. By joining our Monthly Sponsorship Program, you will not only support our mission but also receive regular automatic updates as we prepare to embark on this critical journey and carry out our humanitarian operations. Together, we will make a lasting impact and bring hope to the people of Ukraine. Join us today and be a part of this incredible humanitarian effort.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are we located?

Drone Aid Operations is registered in New York, United States of America as a Private not for profit foundation.

What types of missions will you be flying in Ukraine?

A variety from basic supply drop missions to more complex aerial surveys and assesments. The potential uses for drones in humanitarian aid operations are quite extensive and growing as the technology matures.

What types of drones will you be building for Ukraine?

We will produce a few types but primarily customized FPV drones and Heavy lift cargo drones.

Are the drones weaponized?

No more than a DJI.

Can DroneScope Detect them?


Can they be jammed?

Yes but not as easily as a commercial drone systems.

How much from each shopify purchase goes to Drones Aid Operations?

It varies by item but the averages are 10$ per shirt 5$ per cup and 9$ per patch.

Where can I check on the progress of the operation?

Updates will be maintained here on the site as well as on Twitter through a pinned thread on @OrbitworksA (TFOT).

How can I donate?

Through OrbitWorks official business Paypal. HTTPS://www.paypal.me/Orbitworks

Or Buy me a coffee. HTTPS://www.buymeacoffee.com/droneaidofficial

Can I donate drones or drone parts?

Yes you can ship any drones or drone parts to the address on the contact us page. If shipping batteries please notify the postal carrier when shipping as they require special labels for safe handling during shipping.